Friday, October 28, 2011

It's like Rebecca Black in a Professional Football Stadium, only different.

It's the truth. America so so involved in Freedoms and Choices that they forget to see the big picture. Rebeca Black is so worried about the seat she chooses due to third-party perception that she fails to realize that she could be witnessing a turning point in the world of professional football! Back to America, if two men fight for the right to defend their family from injustice and attempts to take the rights they have took part of originally then everyone hops on the band wagon once it hits a national scale. When the crowd recognizes that the first case of the two is a man fighting to sue Wendy's because they are taking away his right to opinion, everyone in the crowd feels lower than New Orleans compared to the Gulf. That is where America has it's largest flaw. Our freedoms allow us to life live with extraordinarily high expectations. When a man has low expectations, his life is more exciting. When a man has high expectations, nothing is ever good enough which leaves the man constantly disappointed. Americans are so consumed in self-benefit. The moment someone brings up the point of helping others, fingers begin to rise in order to find the perfect person or organization to blame. People wonder why America spends so much money on our armed services while they complain about a tax increase. If you are pushing financial borders with "reasonable taxes" then maybe you should reconsider your budget system instead of pointing fingers at those that "ruined your life." America's armed forces are one of the only remaining historically unified sections of the nation. The government isn't. The investors aren't. Most of all, the people aren't.

This is CJ Perkins, and I approve this publishing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social status or Mental status

Many people believe that the world revolves around money. If you are a wall street usual or a financial advisor, then I can see how that may seem true. However, I need to remind you the world revolves around an unseen axis that is relatively close to the North pole and South pole, end to end. With that reality check for the upper class comes my reality check for the lower class. Even though your wallet doesn't cost more than the amount of money in it, the world still revolves around a scientific axis. This is good news though, you see. This puts the lower class on the same dimensional playing field as everyone else. As for me, I grew up watching prosperity unfold from hard work, positive attitude and love. As cheesy as it sounds, it is the truth. My family got to where they are today because of each of those factors. As for my perception and impact of the world around me, I tend to be an optimistic realist. I see things as they are but place them side by side to what they can become with a positive mentality. After living in towns close to triple the national poverty level and pulling through to the city receiving the smallest blow from the most recent US recession, I can honestly say I am only allowed a realistic view on life because I can't remove the memories to create visual masks. All in all, my varying position in the world, geographically and financially, allow my perception of culture, identity and society to vary as well. My view of a society is that of a unit. They realize problems as a whole and solve them as a whole. As for identity on a microscopic level, I believe identity is influenced by the people around us on a daily basis. A person of true individualistic character is one that can take each of these influences, sort them out, find a moral stand point on how to use the experiences they have lived through and create a person that no one else can mentally become. Finally, I view culture as a comfort. Culture derives primarily from tradition and tradition is nothing more than an extra, sentimental sticker placed on a comfortable action to explain its place in an area.

This is CJ Perkins, and I approve this publishing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The bigger they are, the more records they set. Oh wait...

When society shuns a particular event or activity, any person caught partaking in the activity is shunned as well. Getting the leg up takes the fun out of everything and when you lose the respect of millions, it doesn't matter if you win or not because you have already lost. When bringing up the topic of cheating, however, it depends on where you look at the effects. If a pro athlete decides to use steroids to gain an edge on their competition, it is cheating. If all of the athletes in their league do it too, to even the playing field, then there are two possible outlooks on cheating effects. The first of those would be the effect on the game. If everyone uses steroids, is it still cheating to take it or are you doing yourself a disservice by not taking them? The answer lies more in a lawful aspect. Is it punishable by some sort of negative action or is it just frowned upon. When looking at the situation from a different approach, it is about greed and self worth. If all a player gets is a slap on the hand and a few booing fans, then the only way to look at it is from the player's mentality. If they feel that steroids are the only way to go, then there is no way to convince the person that they are cheating themselves out of self worth and continue to build their sense of greed and pride rather than create a sense of accomplishment or inspiration. This is where the true sense of cheating falls. The act of degrading ones social and mental status.

This is CJ Perkins and I approve this publishing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How do I take notes? I usually right them myself, but if it comes down to theft...

How each person takes notes varies from their comfort zone and their time management. In order to take efficient notes, some people need exceedingly large amounts of time. Others require only a few moments to jot down a thought and all is well in the note taking world. Each person's lifestyle is different and each person has to adapt to their own situations and prioritize events ranging from simply taking notes to finding time to head to a family gathering.

Personally I find that quickly taking notes of my thoughts seems to be the most efficient approach for me. I am able to look back it later and see what I thought rather than just look at the material again and be just as confused about the topic. When I look back at my own personal perspective put into a short bundle of words I realize it isn't just a way I look back at studies, but the view I took on the topic. For my notes I tend to write short lines on what I think could improve my knowledge on the topic as a whole. When I take a look back I see myself writing rather than a shortened textbook. I use it for comfort.

This is CJ Perkins and I approve this publishing.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chapter 5 - It's there. I researched it.

Where do I start? I have a paper on music and culture due soon. Do I look up logic? Do I research religious based moral standards on society? No. I research cultural effects on music and vice versa. The worst part of research isn't the research at all. It is the mentality of a student in panic mode that has been overwhelmed. All rationality seems to slip away as the difficult search for credible information begins. Chapter 5 in our textbook takes the 10 slow breathes every student needs to take and puts them into a textual reference. Each suggestion is one to be considered thoroughly as the student navigates through the unending labyrinth of research. Every topic, whether it be an attempt to map ideas or prioritize information found through research, becomes a useful tool for guiding a student to the right starting point for a paper.

This is CJ Perkins and I approve this publishing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Avatars are Avatars. Nuff said.

Avatars are creations that depict a certain person or event. Whether or not they are significant to an outside source varies from person to person. These avatars are able to be streamlined to fit a certain crowd (unlike advertisements) because their primary goal isn't to attract everyone's individual attention.

Avatars can also be deceiving. They aren't always true to their appearance. One avatar could show a grand festival in a local town dedicated to medieval Europe but when you arrive, there is only one attraction and the crowd of people shown in the picture has died down to 2 attendees.

Avatars don't have to be tangible either, they can be mental images. For example, a college graduate is wise and can hold their own in life. They will be successful due to their academic successes. I don't know about others, but since coming to college, my depiction of a fruitful life went from gliding through a major and scraping in my earnings to just trying to survive. In all honesty, the false hope given by the mental avatar is just another addition to the pessimistic outlook I have now taken on. I don't know what major I want to pursue, nor do I know what truly interests me. I have always been academically gifted and am able to give educated retorts rather than irrational hostile replies in an argument. Of the two, only one is a career path. Using my academic skills, I can pursue a major with a good payroll and be miserable for 40 years until I am near the brink of death. With "rational" arguing, I can be a hated politician or a guy in his mother's basement arguing online with incompetent buffoons on whether or not the United States dollar holds higher value due to lasting stability vs currently rising "price" value.

All in all Avatars are a depiction of something, not the actual something. Literal people will fail to realize this and will be disappointed the rest of their lives.

This is CJ Perkins and I approve this publishing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Engrish Paypahs Are Dah Debil.

When having a normal debate or participating in a group analysis, I don't count my words and format each one of my words to fit a rubric. Instead, I attempt to match the intensity of my words and sentences with my own personal tone. I feel as though it enforces the point I am trying to make to the general group I am speaking with or yelling at. All-in-all I really don't want to continue this blog, just as I didn't want to continue my paper beyond normal speaking terms. However, I have to do so in order to please the overseer of our classroom. Short and concise seems to be my style while the conformists in the world take over with their "following rules" and what not. So yeah.

This is CJ Perkins, and I approve this publishing.